Country |
Test |
Subjects |
Positive |
% |
Germany |
38 |
8 |
21.05 |
State/Region |
Test |
Subjects |
Positive |
% |
Baden-Württemberg |
all |
3 |
1 |
33.33 |
Bavaria |
all |
13 |
3 |
23.08 |
Hesse |
all |
2 |
Land Berlin |
all |
5 |
Lower Saxony |
all |
6 |
4 |
66.67 |
North Rhine-Westphalia |
all |
3 |
Rhineland-Palatinate |
all |
2 |
Saxony |
all |
2 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
all |
2 |
Last update of the ReTiME database: September 30, 2018 01:32 +1GMT